In an effort to keep my blog updated, if I dont have anything really interesting to blog about, i'm just going to post an old picture that I took. So thats what I'm doing today.
I'm choosing this picture today because it's one of the first pictures i've ever taken on a roll of film. Im pretty sure I took this in 1999 or 2000. It was taken with my first camera that i ever owned (the 35mm Nikkormat that my mom bought me from the swap meet.) I was just learning about photography, and a big thing that interested me was "Long exposures". Since me and my friends usually went out at night, I didnt have much other opportunity to shoot photos any other time of day. My camera was completely analog, no light meter, no timer, no nothing.
This picture was taken on "bulb" setting. I think it was about a 60 second exposure. 28mm prime lens. I used my cable release, clicked that sucker in... then hid behind a rock and waited for some water to come splash on that rock. As soon as it splashed, I popped off my flash that i was holding in my hand. I had no idea how the picture came out until I developed it at Sam's Club. I was stoked, and that's why i'm still stoked on it now.