
'The USED' in Hawaii. After concert chinatown

Went to Pipeline Cafe to check out 'The Used'. Thanks for the free ticket Cameron =). Shane joined me because he had nothing else to do. The show was cool, not too crowded, but not empty. After the show, me and shane went into chinatown, hung out at the Loft and Manifest, then went to go eat at Shodoku. Good night

First few drinks were on me.
I've never seen Corona in a can. It looked like Fosters because of the color
Saw some familiar faces there. Proof that hot chicks can rock-n-roll too.

i was gonna delete this picture, but before i did, i wanted to show you that it looked like somebody was strangling Burt and shaking his head around. right?
... and is this a bra flying in the air?!
The Used in Hawaii. Shaka to the crowd

It was raining inside
Split the crowd in half. Get ready to charge. Those 2 fat girls in front are pretty excited.
part 1
part 2
part 3

Last song: 'Blue and Yellow'

After the show, we were suppose to meet up with Jakob and Alden at 'Ka' in ward center. Unfortunately they didnt want to let me and shane in with our cut-off shorts, so we couldnt get in. This is my only picture from there.
Chon texted me- "come down, i'm bored"... which to me meant- "free drinks at the loft".. so we went to the Loft.
I had no idea Chon was a dang magic making drink magician.
it's like making a drink in outerspace.

Oliver met up with us at the Loft
It was super empty, but a good time to hang out, sit down, talk about boys.

Of course if we were in chinatown, we'd have to go see whats happening at Manifest. It was awesome possum over there.

Everyone likes to tell secrets

more secrets

thats that. After chinatown we went to have snacks at Shodoku with Sam, Fayesha, and mikey.