I drove about 100 miles in a 12 hour period on wednesday, that's a lot. In the morning I surfed Ala Mo Bowls with Drew (it was fun.) Then went back home to have lunch and do chores with the family. Anyway at night I had to drive all the way to Sandy beach to pick up a light from Cameron's brother, Steve. After that I met up with "The Jump Offs" for a long awaited band photo session. I had some time to kill between Sandy beach and the Jump Off's rehearsal studio, so I took a few pictures around the south east bend. here dat
i like purple sand
Waiting for Chris gave me some time to play with myself, literally. I took a few self-portraits for heck's sake. In this picture I realize i'm pretty good... pretty good at looking lame.
20 second exposure I think.
I used a red plastic gel thing to cover the flash on this one. clouds 15 seconds I think.
I went up to Chris's house so he could grab some of his gear. This is his house, the whole thing is his but he rents out the other rooms to people who are successful like doctors and stuff. Chris is modest and lives in the small closet.
his backyard mountain ridge view at night.
turn left, his view this way.
We started messing around with photos with 'The Jump Offs' around midnight, and finished at about 2:00 a.m. Im giving all the pictures to Landon, but I can give you guys an idea of some of the pictures we took. We had fun with lights, it was like a rave, except without some hippie lady DJ and people giving each other back rubs.... well almost.
I think i'll be able to put up more pictures from the Jump Offs session soon, but I got email them around first.