
i saw a car crash

holy crap, i was driving home from the "rise against" concert last night ( i dont have pics from the concert.) Anyway, about the time i got to Mililani I saw some headlights going crazy about 300 yards in front of me. I thought to myself, 'is that a car flipping over?!' .. yes it was. A car hit the hill next to the mililani mauka exit and flipped over a couple of times and ended right side up. I quickly pulled over to the side of the road, to see if the person needed help. When i got out of my car, and started running to the smashed car, i was a little scared that i was about to see either a dead body or a someone in terrible condition.
The driver was o.k. though, he was a philipino guy about 35 years old, and he was very drunk (asshole definetely shouldnt of been driving). He said someone tried to cut in front of him, but i think he was just really intoxicated. The airbag definetely saved him. there were parts of his car all over the road, and shit scattered all over the place like his c.d's.
I was about to call 911, but just as i was about to call, a police car drove by then pulled over. When the cop came over, the drunk driver whipped out his penis and started peeing on the side of the road, crazy. Anyway i wanted to take some pictures, but i didnt wanna hear crap from the police officer, so i snuck some photos from my car before i pulled away. check it out,

the guys rear window was all jacked up too, and the roof of his car was smashed.

please dont drink and drive people!